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( 型号 : AL203 Sic... )
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Haiyue Precision Grinding Co., Ltd. is specialized in high-precision grinding molding for high advanced ceramic and optical components .Products are mainly used in the Semiconductor industry, Optical industry, Machinery, Aviation, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, etc. Haiyue provides engineering support with full CAD/CAM design capabilities and dedicated seven-day-a-week R&D teams. Our prices are very competitive. Large-sized ceramic partsand Optical components, unique geometries Ceramic-based adhesive bonding Sapphire lapping and polishing Laser marking CO2 cleaning Mainly processing advanced ceramics : Al203 Zro2 Si3N4 Sic Quartz Graphite , Sapphire, boron nitride etc.. Process Services for advanced ceramics : Zro2 Bearing , Wafer Loader Arm, Alumina Wafer Polishing Plate / Turn Table, Plasma Proof Ring, Chamber Window & Tube,Ceramic indicator, SiC Wafer, Ceramic Ring, Ceramic vacuum sucker, precision ceramic structural parts.

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[ 联系方式 ]
icon 公司名称 海越精密磨削有限公司
icon 街道地址 浙江 杭州 中国浙江省建德市乾兴路1号 311602
icon 电话号码 86 - 571 - 64068123
icon 传真号码 86 - 571 - 64175108
icon 公司网址 http://www.hygrind.com/
icon 联系人 luo mr. /

Haiyue Precision Grinding Co., Ltd版权所有1997-2005
电话:86-571-64068123 传真:86-571-64175108